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Feeding the Heart Good Food :: Cultivating Inner Compassion

Fri, Jul 24


Online Retreat - 5.5 days

Hosted by Vallecitos Mountain Refuge

Feeding the Heart Good Food :: Cultivating Inner Compassion
Feeding the Heart Good Food :: Cultivating Inner Compassion

Time & Location

Jul 24, 2020, 7:00 PM EDT – Jul 29, 2020, 8:30 PM EDT

Online Retreat - 5.5 days

About The Event

Due to COVID-19, the two July Vallecitos Mountain Refuge events are now one online retreat with all 4 teachers. 

Feeding the Heart Good Food: Cultivating Inner Compassion

with Susan Morgan, CNS, Bill Morgan, PsyD, Ron Siegel, PsyD and Chris Germer, PhD

Inside the chaos, build a temple of love   ~Rune Lazuli

How appropriate to be focusing on this topic in the time of Corona!

A central habit of the mind is to focus on the negative, the one thing not done well, the not good enough, the disappointing interaction, the grievance. This contributes to low grade, chronic, self-created stress that the Buddha called dukkha. He recommended that we learn to steer away from unwholesome mind states and cultivate wholesome ones. This was an essential aspect of his teaching, a core structure of the raft that leads toward less stress and more ease of wellbeing.

Our retreat will focus on creative approaches to arousing and sustaining the uplifting heart qualities of inner compassion during this challenging time.  We will explore how this heart tone can be brought to life on and off the cushion, and how it can become a refuge that protects us from the contagion of anxiety and fear.

The retreat will include a variety of guided meditations, as well as periods of standing and walking practice. There will also be didactic modules each afternoon with Ron and Chris, brief dharma talks throughout, and small group discussions, which will occur in Zoom breakout rooms.

Participants will be encouraged to attend the entire retreat, and we understand the complexities of life during this challenging time. All are welcome, regardless of level of participation.

This program is designed to be relevant for all levels of meditation experience. Please join us!

CEs will NOT be offered for this course.

Cost: REGISTER through Vallecitos website

Vallecitos offers a sliding scale structure. Prices for this retreat range from $75-$620 (not including teacher dana). 

You will have the opportunity to offer teacher dana and this will be further discussed during the retreat

Retreat schedule (all times Eastern Daylight Time):

Friday: 7-9 pm

Saturday through Wednesday: 9-12 noon, 2:30-5 pm, 7-8:30 pm

Scholarship Information from Bill and Susan

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