Feeding the Heart Good Food: The Brahmaviharas in Action
Wed, Jun 24
|Online Retreat - 4 days
Uplifting the Heart!
Time & Location
Jun 24, 2020, 7:00 PM EDT – Jun 28, 2020, 10:00 AM EDT
Online Retreat - 4 days
About The Event
This Barre Center for Buddisht Studies (BCBS) event will be now be an online retreat due to COVID-19.
Inside the chaos, build a temple of love ~Rune Lazuli
How appropriate to be focusing on this topic in the time of Corona!
A central habit of the mind is to focus on the negative, the one thing not done well, the not good enough, the disappointing interaction, the grievance. This contributes to low grade, chronic, self-created stress, to dukkha.
The Buddha recommended that we learn to steer away from unwholesome mind states and cultivate wholesome ones. This was an essential aspect of his teaching, a core part of the raft which could take us to the shore of less stress and more ease of wellbeing.
During this course we will focus on creative approaches to arousing the uplifting heart qualities of the sublime abidings (brahmavihāras): friendliness, compassion, gladness, and equanimity. These are available to us when the heart is not preoccupied with stress. We will explore how these heart tones can be brought to life on and off the cushion and how their presence impacts the present moment.
This course will include a variety of guided meditations, as well as periods of standing and walking practice. There will also be teaching modules and brief dharma talks throughout, as well as small group discussions, which will occur in zoom breakout rooms.
This program is designed to be relevant for all levels of meditation experience. Please join us!
Online Course: Our intention is to build sangha and provide meaningful virtual interactions with each other and teachers in our online courses. When registering for an online course, please note that you should plan to commit to the course for the entire time period outlined -- beginning on the evening of the first day and ending in the afternoon of the final day.
SCHEDULE (shown in Eastern Daylight Time):
7:00 - 9:00 pm, Opening Session
Thursday - Saturday
8:00 - 10:00 am, Morning Session
2:00 - 4:00 pm, Afternoon Session
7:00 - 9:00 pm, Evening Session
8:00 - 10:00 am, Closing Session
Cost: REGISTER through BCBS website
Sustaining: $179 Mid Level (Actual Cost): $139 Supported: $109 Non-Resident: $109
You will have the opportunity to offer teacher dana and this will be further discussed during the retreat
CEs: The applications for 12 continuing education credits for psychologists and social workers have been approved for this course. BCBS is not able to offer CEs for Counselors (NBCC). Please contact them at contact@buddhistinquiry.org for the status of CE accreditation. Click here for more information.
NOTE If applying for CEs, attendance at all sessions is required. To register for CE credit, please contact BCBS at contact@buddhistinquiry.org no later than Friday, June 19. Registration for CEs cannot take place after the first date of the course.
Learning Objectives:
- To utilize mindfulness and concentration practices in the service of deepening therapeutic presence.
- Develop the skill of recognizing unwholesome mind states close to their inception
- Practice metta, or loving-kindness, as a means of enhancing affect tolerance
- Utilize compassion practices to enhance empathic attunement
- Learn the antidote potential of appreciative joy when working with the unwholesome mind states of envy and jealousy
- Learn how to cultivate the balanced perspective of equanimity in the face of bias and judgment
Financial Assistance through Barre Center for Buddhist Studies